ModernUI x64 Build

The ModernUI Library and ModernUI Controls come with a RadASM project to help build the sources. However if you wish to build them manually here are the command line options you should use.

Building ModernUI Library

The ModernUI Library consists of two files:

  • ModernUI.asm

Building with Microsoft UASM (UASM64.EXE):

UASM64.EXE /c -win64 -Zp8 /win64 /D_WIN64 /Cp /nologo /I"X:\UASM\Include" ModernUI.asm

*X: is the drive letter where your UASM SDK includes files are located, replace with the appropriate drive letter for your installation, or modify the path for your installed location.

Linking with Microsoft Library Manager (LIB.EXE):

LIB /LIBPATH:"X:\UASM\lib\x64" *.obj /out:ModernUI.lib

X: is the drive letter where your UASM SDK 64bit library files are located, replace with the appropriate drive letter for your installation, or modify the path for your installed location.

Building ModernUI Controls

Each ModernUI Control consists of two files:

  • ModernUI_Control.asm

Building with Microsoft UASM (UASM64.EXE):

UASM64.EXE /c -win64 -Zp8 /win64 /D_WIN64 /Cp /nologo /I"X:\MASM32\Include" ModernUI_Control.asm

*X: is the drive letter where your UASM64 SDK includes files are located, replace with the appropriate drive letter for your installation, or modify the path for your installed location.

Linking with Microsoft Library Manager (LIB.EXE):

LIB /LIBPATH:"X:\UASM\lib\x64" *.obj /out:ModernUI_Control.lib

*X: is the drive letter where your UASM SDK 64bit library files are located, replace with the appropriate drive letter for your installation, or modify the path for your installed location.

Debug x64 Builds

To build the ModernUI Library and/or a ModernUI Control with debug information, supply the additional flag options /Zi /Zd on the command line for UASM64 (UASM64.EXE) like so:

UASM64.EXE /c -win64 -Zp8 /win64 /D_WIN64 /Cp /nologo /Zi /Zd /I"X:\UASM\Include" ModernUI.asm
UASM64.EXE /c -win64 -Zp8 /win64 /D_WIN64 /Cp /nologo /Zi /Zd  /I"X:\UASM\Include" ModernUI_Control.asm

*X: is the drive letter where your UASM SDK includes files are located, replace with the appropriate drive letter for your installation, or modify the path for your installed location.

Linking with Microsoft Library Manager (LIB.EXE):

LIB /LIBPATH:"X:\UASM\lib\x64" *.obj /out:ModernUI_Control.lib

*X: is the drive letter where your UASM SDK 64bit library files are located, replace with the appropriate drive letter for your installation, or modify the path for your installed location.